We offer a virtual office to make therapy more convenient for you.

 Embrace the ease of virtual therapy, all from the comfort of your own space.

We work with...

Anxiety & Stress

Overwhelmed by racing thoughts? Fear of judgment and constant worry holding you back? We'll teach you how to take control of your happiness and discover how to navigate life's challenges while finding peace within.

College Students

College can be tough. Making friends, handling classes, and adulting can feel overwhelming. Let us guide you through this challenging phase of life and provide the support you need to thrive.

Couples & Dating

No matter the stage of your relationship, we're here to help you and your partner work together. From building intimacy to recovering from challenges like infidelity or disconnection, let us support your journey.

Imposter Syndrome & Burnout

Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? Struggling with burnout? Learn how to thrive in your professional life, finding fulfillment and balance in your work.

Perfectionism & High Achievers

Dedicated and accomplished, yet feeling a sense of emptiness? Break free from the cycle of perfectionism and the fear of not being enough. Discover inner fulfillment and embrace your achievements.

Depression & Lack of Motivation

Feeling stuck, unmotivated, or held back by past trauma or low self-esteem? Uncover the root causes and regain motivation to pursue what truly matters to you.

Life Transitions

Life is a rollercoaster of changes, both positive and challenging. Strengthen your adaptability and resilience. Embrace life's ups and downs with confidence, prepared for whatever comes your way.

Negative Self-Image

Struggling to move on from mistakes? Prioritizing others over yourself? Rebuild your self-esteem and develop a positive self-image. Gain confidence in your decisions and interactions.

Setting Boundaries

Learn the art of setting healthy boundaries. Practice assertive communication, saying "no" when necessary, and prioritizing your needs. Build strong and respectful relationships through effective communication skills.

Step 1: Book a free consulation

Start the process by booking a free consultation!

Once you have scheduled your consultation, you will receive a brief questionnaire through email asking about reasons for starting therapy, goals you wish to achieve, and information regarding your availability. This allows us to make the best use of our time during your call.

Step 2: Meet & Greet

During your consultation call, we will guide you through the process to ensure you feel completely at ease before your first session. Once you are ready to begin, we will schedule your very first therapy session!

Before your first session, you will be emailed a link to set up your client portal, which allows you to not only review and complete all necessary paperwork and intake forms, but also easily manage your account.

Step 3: Let's begin your journey!

This is the exciting part where we get to know you and begin building our working relationship.

Moving forward, we will work collaboratively to gain insight into your emotional self, inner thoughts, and behaviors. Through our sessions, you will learn new ways of thinking and take meaningful steps towards creating a more confident and fulfilling life.

Let's work together!

To get started or to set up an appointment with one of our therapists, use the contact form below or through booking a free consultation.

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